MK2-White_Loop Segment 1.gif

Smart Label Initiative: Motion Graphic

A short animation used to clarify project goals.


Smart label motion graphic

A short animation to clarify project goals.


While working at the Eli and Edythe Broad Art Museum I helped on a project called the Smart Label Initiative. The goal of this project was to enhance visitor experience by converting the standard museum label into form of digital interface allowing for increased amounts of information available on works in display as well as providing an accessible platform for visitors to provide thoughts and feedback on specific pieces.

The core argument of this project concerned the general public’s disposition toward art institutes and the idea that museums can at times be alienating spaces where discussion is solely controlled by those who have invested time in understanding the cultural and contextually niches that art inhabits. Our hope with these digital labels was to restructure the flow of discussions in art environments by not only allowing visitors the chance to dig more deeply into an exhibition without the need of a curator or guide, but by also giving visitors a platform with which they could use to send feedback instantly and directly toward the institute they were visiting.

Below is an animation I made for our presenters to use while discussing the core argument of this project. It would run in the background of the presentation while the speaker discussed allowing for a visual display of how we hoped our labels would effect the visitor to institution discourse.

When presented, this animation played at a slower speed. It is sped up here so as to display the full animation at a quicker rate.


Final Animation



If you go to the “Knight Foundation” link below, search “Smart Label Initiative” in the Keywords filter to see the grant awarded for the project.